Cettire Discount Code January
5% OFF
App-exclusive discount code
Up to 50% off sale promotion
Sale products only
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Exploring Cettire Promo Codes
How to Redeem Cettire Promo Code
To apply a Cettire promo code, follow these steps:
① Verify your Cettire promo code.
② Add the products you want to purchase to your cart.
③ Enter the promo code during checkout.
④ Click "Redeem Code" and proceed to complete your order.
Cettire Returns and Exchanges
Cettire offers a 30-day return and exchange policy from the date of receipt. Please follow these steps to initiate a return or exchange:
① Click the link below to access the return page.
② Choose the item you wish to return, provide the reason, and print the invoice.
③ Place the return item in its original packaging, securely wrap it, and attach the shipping label.
④ Your refund will be processed upon receipt by Cettire.
About Cettire
About Cettire
Cettire is an Australian-owned online luxury fashion retail platform that sells apparel, footwear, and accessories from over 1300 global luxury fashion brands.
Delivery Information
Over $250 (Free, 3-7 business days)
Under $250 ($25, 3-7 business days)
Contact Cettire
Email: customerservice@cettire.com